Inspired by Pavel Durov’s creation, Resistance Dog, Resistance Girl is a digital emblem against censorship, echoing the ethos of Resistance Dog ($REDO) and Telegram’s mission for free expression.
Launched to spotlight the collective effort against online suppression, she embodies the spirit of digital defiance. Like $REDO, Resistance Girl champions the growth of TON — The Open Network and Telegram, rallying a decentralized community committed to fighting for digital freedom, enhancing network adoption, and fostering a space for open communication and innovation on TON.
Contract: EQCcYUWKhjGxwqtk_je9LW2V4RoFmbhOUR9e404Y6FQTEXHh

Total Supply 100,000,000

LP Burned

Tax 0%

REGI —a partner and faithful companion to REDO, the Resistance Dog, created by Telegram founder Pavel Durov. REGI represents the stand against internet censorship in Russia, echoing the digital fight for freedom. Together, they symbolize the push for free speech and an open web in Russia, showing the strength and unity of those opposing online restrictions.